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Dissolution systemer
Dissolution media preparation systemer – udstyr til medieforberedelse Med vores produkter fra Riggtek får du en samlet løsning til dissolution og maksimerer din effektivitet. DissoPrep blander, varmer og afgasser dit medie. Easydiss er et dissolution bad til opløsning af dine prøver. Autosampleren Sampilio er med sine specialdesignede pumper til hurtige, små og præcise prøvetagninger. For flere detaljer og pris, kontakt venligst MD Scientific via e-mail: info@md-scientific.dk eller telefon: 7027 85
DryLab Software for HPLC Method Development
DryLab is the revolutionary HPLC method development and optimization software that predicts chromatograms under a much wider range of experimental conditions than would ever be possible in the laboratory. With DryLab you can quickly and easily determine exactly how your separation behaves as you simultaneously vary multiple method parameters, such as pH, temperature, buffer concentration, and many more. Anybody developing HPLC methods who wishes to optimize complex samples and to economize resources spent developing and running methods will benefit from the many advantages offered by How does DryLab work? Define Method Goals and Run Input Experiments The beauty of DryLab is that with data generated from only 2-12 input experiments, DryLab predicts resolution and retention times for millions of unique, virtual chromatograms. The first step to using DryLab is to define your analytical target profile (ATP) and let DryLab help you choose your systematic approach and initial method conditions. Then simply run your input experiments and upload them as *.cdf files, which is the universal format for chromatographic data systems.ting the impact of small fluctuations on up to six critical separation parameters. You can determine which parameters exert the greatest influence on the method and therefore must be strictly controlled…
Elektrokemiske detektorer og analyseudstyr
Antec har udviklet elektrokemiske detektorer (ECD) i over 25 år, og med denne opnåede ekspertise har de formået at udvikle en ekstrem høj følsomhed ved HPLC-analyser. Ved næsten enhver form for anvendelse i konventionel HPLC er UHPLC, Micro-, Capillary- og Nano HPLC, er ECD ekstremt selektiv og følsom. Det anvendes rutinemæssigt i en række analyser såsom neurotransmittere, (poly) phenoler, kulhydrater og ved et utal af farmaceutiske forbindelser.
Elektrokemiske reaktorer for MS og syntese
Brug af elektrokemi (EC) som reaktionsteknik før MS giver brugeren mulighed for at efterligne naturens REDOX-reaktioner på næsten ethvert analytisk felt. Mange kemiske og katalytiske reaktioner (vådkemi, Fenton osv.) kan efterlignes på en kontrolleret måde i den elektrokemiske celle ved simpelthen at anvende et spændingspotentiale. Et stort antal biokemiske reaktioner som enzymatisk, mikrobialt, akvatisk, fotolytisk osv. kan simuleres uden biologiske interferenser (fx cellematrix, plasma, urin, jord osv.), Og de genererede REDOX-produkter kan let registreres af MS, hvilket gør EC/MS til et reelt biomimetisk værktøj med betydelige omkostnings- og tidsbesparelser i forhold til in vivo eller in vitro-teknikker.
Flash-kromatografi systemer
Interchim introduced the first instrument to perform Prep HPLC and Flash purification in a single system. The versatility of the product makes it suitable for use in lab-scale purification to large-scale production. The standard instrument provides UV-DAD triggered collection with a simple touch-screen display. Detector options include Mass Spec, ELSD, Conductivity and RI. Automation options include an autosampler, two- or ten-column switching and multiple collectors. All PuriFlash instruments use HPLC pumps which are virtually maintenance free and provide many years of continuous service. The pumps are specifically designed for Prep-HPLC and ideal for Flash chromatography. The modular design of the PuriFlash product line allows for upgrading to a different pump, detector or collector at any time. Flash Purification PuriFlash PF215: 200 ml/min, 220 PSI PuriFlash PF430: 200 ml/min, 435 PSI PuriFlash PF800: 800 ml/min, 145 PSI Sample Loading: 10mg to 600g Flash Columns up to 3.0kg Flash & Prep HPLC PuriFlash PF4250: 250 ml/min, 3625 PSI PuriFlash PF4100: 250 ml/min, 1450 PSI PuriFlash PF450: 250 ml/min, 725 PSI Flash Sample Loading: 10mg to 160g Prep HPLC Loading: 10mg to 5g Prep HPLC Columns up to 75mm ID Flash Columns up to 1250g All instruments: True Quaternary Gradient, HPLC pump technology, UV triggered collection and optional Mass Spec, ELSD…
Gasgeneratorer - hydrogen, nitrogen, zero air
Gasgeneratorer fra F-DGSi F-DGSi er specialist inden for gasgeneratorer med deres komplette udvalg af gasgeneratorer og tilbehør, der opfylder kravene fra alle laboratorieanalysatorer som: LCMS, GC, ICP, DEDL, IRTF, TOC, NMR, AA, elektronisk støj, reologi, partikelstørrelse ved laser diffraktion, DSC og Sample prep Autosamplers. F-DGSi generatorer giver dig mulighed for at producere nitrogen, hydrogen, ren luft med renheder højere end 99,9999%. Nitrogeneratorernes flow er ubegrænsede, hvilket gør det muligt at levere flere analytiske instrumenter eller et komplet laboratorium. Luft- eller nitrogengeneratorerne kan udstyres med støjsvage kompressorer, hvilket betyder, at de kan anvendes på steder, hvor luftnetværket ikke er tilgængeligt. Produkterne er fremstillet i Europa i overensstemmelse med ISO 9001: 2008-standarden. Se det store udvalg af gasgeneratorer fra F-DGSi. Hydrogen gasgeneratorer Nitrogen gasgeneratorer Zero air gasgeneratorer Kombinerer hydrogen/air gasgenerator Kombinerer nitrogen/air gasgenerator
GPC/SEC systemer
EcoSEC GPC system EcoSEC GPC-systemet er et alt-i-ét GPC system, der er udviklet til hurtig polymer analyse. Kombinationen af EcoSEC GPC-systemet og semi-mikrokolonner giver væsentlige omkostningsbesparelser på solventer samt væsentligt kortere sample throughput med samme høje kvalitet. Det revolutionerende dual-flow design af RI-detektoren resulterer i fremragende RI baseline-stabilitet og reduceret RI baselinedrift. EcoSEC-HT-GPC-systemet kombinerer gennemprøvet design og teknologi, der anvendes i EcoSEC GPC-systemet. Dobbelt pumpesystem, dual flow RI-detektor, rummelig kolonneovn, total temperaturstyring, autosampler, prøve prepstation og sikkerhedsfunktioner sørger for pålidelige og reproducerbare resultater. For flere detaljer og pris, kontakt venligst MD Scientific via e-mail: info@md-scientific.dk eller telefon: 7027 8565. MD Scientific er autoriseret forhandler – i Danmark og Island for Tosoh Biobioscience GPC/SEC systems What sets an EcoSEC GPC System apart? Retention times are independent of temperature fluctuations in the lab Dual flow RI detection for unmatched baseline stability Excellent precision of retention times for accurate mass measurement. Very low dead volume for improved resolution and molar mass distribution accuracy
Online SPE-UHPLC-MS Solutions
High pressure SPE provides a constant SPE flow rates. During sample loading, sample wash and clean-up, the solvent flow rate over the SPE cartridge is constant and not influenced by SPE back pressure variations, thus reducing the contribution of sample preparation variation to assay precision.
Det store udvalg af osmometre fra Gonotec dækker ethvert behov i de forskellige laboratorier i små og store virksomheder og universiteter. Udstyr til farmaceutiske og biologiske laboratorier: Osmomat 3000 (NY), Osmomat 3000 basic (NY), Chloride Meter CM20, Osmomat auto. Udstyr til kemiske laboratorier: Osmomat 010, Osmomat 070, Osmomat 090, Control Unit SA. Udstyr til medicinske laboratorier: Osmomat 3000, Osmomat 3000 basic, Chloride Meter CM20, Osmomat auto, Osmomat 050. Vi har alle Gonotec kalibreringsstandarder og measuring vessels på lager. Som autoriseret forhandler for Gonotec, deltager vore medarbejdere regelmæssigt i kurser hos Gonotec og er derfor up-to-date med det nyeste udstyr og den nyeste teknologi, inkl. Osmomat 3000.
Zysense Nitric Oxide Analyzer - NOA 280i
Sievers NOA 280i is unique highly precise instrument in healthcare and specialty gas measurement applications. NOA 280i is the equipment of choice for reliable, reproducible, and robust measurement of nitric oxide in blood, plasma, gases, cell cultures, and other applications. The exhaled nasal application has been used by researchers to diagnose asthma, primary ciliary diskensia, efficacy of vasodialators, neo-natal research, wound care, and many more. The NOA-280i is also widely used in the environmental field to measure agricultural responses to pathogens and diseases, as well as in progressing nutraceutical research into nitric-oxide-producing supplements such as beet and spinach juice. It is the global leader in precise nitric oxide measurement and has been used by over 1000 leading hospitals and research institutions around the world.
Kolonner og tilbehør
Dissolution tilbehør fra Riggtek
Tilbehør til Riggteks dissolution media preparation systemer – udstyr til medieforberedelse DissoPrep, Easydiss og Autosampleren Sampilio.
HPLC kolonner fra Showa Denko (Shodex)
Shodex Flip katalog Se oversigt over alle kolonner på Shodex’ website Kolonnetyper Reversed Phase (RP) Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography (HILIC) Size Exclusion SEC (Aqueous GFC) Size Exclusion SEC (Organic GPC) Ligand Exchange (LEX) Ion Exclusion (IEX) Ion Chromatography (IC) Ion Exchange (IEC) Normal Phase (NP) Affinity Chromatography Chiral Separation Hydrophobic Interaction (HIC) GPC Clean-up *Standards* *Detectors* MD Scientific er autoriseret forhandler i Danmark for af Shodex-kolonner. For flere detaljer og pris, kontakt venligst MD Scientific via e-mail: info@md-scientific.dk eller telefon: 7027 8565.
HPLC-kolonner fra Tosoh Bioscience
Som autoriseret forhandler kan MD Scientific tilbyde Tosoh Biosciences omfattende serie af kolonner til enhver type oprensning. For flere detaljer og pris, kontakt venligst MD Scientific via e-mail: info@md-scientific.dk eller telefon: 7027 8565. HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) use liquid mobile phases to transport the sample components through a column packed with a solid material; the stationary phase. The “mode” of chromatography is usually defined by a combination of a certain stationary phase type with a certain mobile phase type. In order to generate a chromatogram that is suitable for qualitative or quantitative purposes, bonded phase chemistry, column dimensions, and particle and pore sizes are parameters that need to be optimized. TSKgel Chromatography Columns Tosoh Bioscience offers a comprehensive line of TSKgel (U)HPLC columns for use with conventional and UHPLC systems to meet your purification needs. The TSKgel product line include columns in nearly every mode of HPLC, including Size Exclusion, Ion Exchange, Reversed Phase, Hydrophobic Interaction, Affinity, and Normal Phase/HILIC. Click on each mode listed below for a short tutorial on the mode, including an animated video, as well as the variety of TSKgel columns offered in that mode. Chromatography mode Types of Compounds analyzed Size Exclusion Chromatography…
Kalibrerings standarder og andet tilbehør fra Gonotec
Measuring vessels for OSMOMAT 3000/030/010 PU 1000, Order No. 30.9.0010 Measuring vessels for OSMOMAT auto. Order no.35.9.0010 Gonotec measuring vessels are constantly controlled and grant thus the expected reproducibility of the measuring results. Ink ribbon cassette PU 1, Order No. 30.9.1020 Original Gonotec endless-ink ribbon cassette Printer paper PU 8 Order No. 30.9.1010 Original Gonotec rolls of printer paper Cleaning paper for OSMOMAT auto. Order no. 35.9.1030 Thermistor probe for OSMOMAT 3000, 50 µl sample volume PU 1 Order No. 32.3.0010 Thermistor probe for OSMOMAT 3000-M, 15 µl sample volume PU 1 Order No. 32.3.2010 MD Scientific har alle kalibreringsstandarder og measuring vessels på lager. For flere detaljer og pris, kontakt venligst MD Scientific via e-mail: info@md-scientific.dk eller telefon: 7027 8565.
Kromatografikolonner, vials,caps og tilbehør fra Chrom4
A group of independent distributors concluded that mergers and acquisitions in the chromatography consumables industry have limited the offerings available to the laboratory scientist – meaning less choice and less competitive pricing. Aiming to provide more options and let local independent distributors operate on a more level playing field, the idea of a buying group was born in the form of Chrom4. Se kataloget med alle Chrom4’s kromatografiprodukter
PuriFlash kolonner fra Interchim
Download column guide (PDF-file) puriFlash® Columns – The separation tools Manufactured by Interchim under proprietary packing “Accurate Bed Technology™ Purification results equivalent to a Prep LC column Compatible with any Flash system Stable @ up to 22 bars* /308 psi puriFlash® Columns – The separation tools – choose the right media Media selection requires consideration of sample volume, the nature of the analyte, analyte concentration and the inherent properties of the sorbent itself. See list of columns on Interchim’s website. Polymer loading capacities are higher than silica, however, silica sorbents exhibit greater selectivity. Silicas: Silica & bonded silica are rigid supports that do not shrink or swell with solvents. The silica surface can be easily modified, this creates a potential for a large selectivity for purification from hydrophobic to hydrophilic interactions. The pH stability of bonded silica is limited, typically to within the range of 2 to 7.5, this is chemistry dependant. Interchim offers more than 20 different silica based selectivities. Our sorbents take advantage of our ultra pure spherical silica, and this achieves greater reproducibility, and establishes optimized sample recoveries. Polymers: Polymer sorbents are very stable from pH 1 to 14, they exhibit high loading capacities allowing for the…
GC/HPLC kolonner, vials, closures fra Thermo Scientific
Resiner/process media fra Tosoh Bioscience
Tosoh Bioscience tilbyder en omfattende linje af resiner til alle slags behov for oprensning. Toyopearl HW og TSKgel PW size exclusion resiner er basispartikler for hele Tosohs ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction og affinity produkter. Protein A-affinitetskromatografi er det mest populære redskab til oprensning af antistoffer fra cellekultur lysater, da det kan opnå en renhed på mere end 95% i ét kromatografisk trin. TOYOPEARL AF-rProtein A HC-650F opnår dynamiske bindingskapaciteter større end 65 mg/L ved opholdstid i kolonnen på 5 minutter, og større end 50 mg/mL ved opholdstid i kolonnen på 2 minutter med koncentration af råvare fra 1 g/L til mere end 10 g/L. Gå til Tosoh Bioscience’s hjemmeside for en samlet oversigt over alle resiner. For flere detaljer og pris, kontakt venligst MD Scientific via e-mail: info@md-scientific.dk eller telefon: 7027 8565. TOYOPEARL and TSKgel Process Media TSKgel and TOYOPEARL resins are specifically designed for use in biopharmaceutical production. Based on a rigid polymer structure, they show excellent physical strength and flow characteristics, resulting in faster process throughput. Optimized pore diameters and narrow particle size distribution allow rapid kinetics and exceptional resolution. TOYOPEARL and TSKgel resins are applied from capture, through intermediate purification, to polishing. Target molecules range from peptides and proteins to oligonucleotides and plasmids.…
Tilbehør til NOA 280i fra Zysense
NOx Plus Sp Met – monitoring and delivery system for inhaled NO. Measures NO, NO2 , and O2. Also available with pulse oximetry and peripheral Methemoglobin monitoring capabilities. MGA 400, 800 – electrochemical multigas analyzer with 4 or 8 sensing capabilities, focusing on H2S, NO, NO2, CO, NH3. CELLNO – a sterile, standard platform for growing cell cultures which can be fully integrated with NOA 280i to monitor all NO released from the media in a closed circuit. CellNO is designed to eliminate foaming of samples especially samples containing high amount of proteins. Nitrite & S-Nitrosothiol Stabilizing Serum – a platform to extend the shelf life of samples by preventing the decay of NO concentration in high protein liquids like blood. Amber vials will be sold in a small variety of sample volumes. Solution extends viability of biological samples from a few minutes to a few weeks. NO2 to NO converter – previously available from GE/Sievers, this unit reduces the levels of NO2 in the incoming gas to less than 2 ppm using a novel catalytic reduction process. This technology not only reduces NO2, but allows it to be measured as it is converted back to NO. This product is still…
UHPLC kolonner fra Pharma Fluidics
MICRO-PAC™ – PILLAR ARRAY COLUMNS – A NEW GENERATION OF HPLC COLUMNS Detect more molecules, with higher sensitivity, in tiny, complex biological samples Micro-pillar array columns (µPAC™) deliver high peak capacity even at long gradient times, with high reproducibility, sensitivity, and precision. They produce lower backpressure than conventionally packed columns. They have excellent scalability for proteomic experiments and they deliver robust separations. When used in combination with DIA methods, they enable single-shot comprehensive proteome analysis delivering more than 9,000 protein identifications in about six hours Thanks to the unique pillar array technology, all columns ensure an optimal performance and an unprecedented reproducibility and robustness. They are compatible with all commercially available low flow LC systems, and can be integrated smoothly in your experimental set-up. According to the specific demands of your separation challenge, configurations compatible with nano, capillary and microliter flow rate can be provided. The current µPACᵀᴹ columns’ C18 stationary phase chemistry focuses on reversed phase HPLC for applications in proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics and biopharmaceuticals. µPACᵀᴹ excels in conditions requiring excellent separation and sensitivity Discovering new biomarkers is like finding needles in a haystack. Achieve more identifications from samples with a large dynamic range Some compounds, like isomeric forms, are difficult to separate. Perform inter- and intra-class separation of…
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HPLC-kolonner fra Tosoh Bioscience
HPLC-kolonner fra Tosoh Bioscience
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Reversed phase – Tosoh Bioscience
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